According to a recent interview on Good Morning America of an Airbnb CEO, millions of new host homes are needed all over the country to meet the growing demand of Airbnb Host Homes. As demands soar, so does the opportunity for supplemental income in the Houston Real Estate Investor community. Many have never even considered the opportunity for income in short term rentals, however, a quick search on the Airbnb web page will reveal some very impressive per night rental rates.

In the staging community, we are seeing a growing demand for the need to furnish and style recently acquired properties that will soon be listed on Airbnb. Many have come to realize that just like any other property on the market, when the listing is aggressively marketed, the greater the return. The more your listing stands out online, the greater the chance of attracting more bookings. The more you present a luxe lifestyle image in photos to your potential online shoppers, the greater the opportunity you have for a higher rental rate. Finally, the more gratifying and pleasant your customer’s overall experience was while staying in your rental, the greater chance you have of receiving great reviews. Great reviews attract more bookings.

“We are seeing the largest travel rebound in a century” says Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky. Some new travel trends they are seeing are domestic travel and nearby travel as well as longer stays since people are working more from home.

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